Site icon Restless Urbanist

Portfolio Tab

“Your words and philosophy are exciting, but how do you actually apply that in the real world?” This must be the most frequently asked question at every planning/development conference or meeting of the minds I attend. The good news is that there are countless examples of amazing projects; each one is full lessons that can be applied broadly. The bad news is that those of us working on them do not have the time to share these projects.

Restless Urbanist is a blog where we share words and discuss urban design philosophies. We do not want to be caught in the trap of rhetoric, so we also have created a new tab titled “Portfolio” to share real time work. This page is to share how these philosophies and ideas are applied to the built world. These image rich posts are intended to inspire and promote great urbanism.

If you have a project you would like to share, please do not hesitate to contract the Restless, so we can discuss and feature your work.


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